What is wholesale? How does wholesale profit? How is online wholesale? How can we be a successful wholesaler? If these questions have ever occurred to you, and you are looking for an answer to these questions, we suggest you stay with us.

What is wholesale? Why is this job one of the necessities of the market?

If you plan to sell a product online or retail it through your store and you are not the manufacturer of that product yourself, you must purchase the desired product through a general sale.

In fact, wholesalers are intermediaries who buy a large amount of a product from the manufacturer and sell it to retailers. Wholesalers receive good discounts from manufacturers due to their high volume of purchases, which is why they make good profits when selling products to retailers.Of course, for a wholesaler, it is necessary to have a relationship with manufacturers, as well as high capital to buy products in bulk, and to be familiar with market requests and needs.

Organizations and large stores

If you are in charge of buying for an organization or a large restaurant and you need to buy Pars nuts for your collection, go to the contact page and contact the relevant officials to enter into a contract and register your orders