
What is Pistachio Akbari?

What is Pistachio Akbari?

In the world, pistachios are known as Iran. The root of the word pistachio in English also goes back to Persian through several intermediaries. This delicious nut also has many fans, because it has both a unique taste and many properties

Types of pistachios available in Iran

The pistachio tree consists of two sexes, male and female. For this tree to bear fruit. One male tree should be planted between every 12 to 15 female trees. There are about 60 to 70 types of female pistachio trees in Iran. There are different categories of pistachios available in Iran, from their appearance to their flowering time. In terms of appearance, pistachios are divided into two categories: hazelnut and almond. Cultivars such as Kalegouchi pistachio and Ohadi pistachio are placed in the hazelnut category. In the Badami group there are cultivars such as Akbari, Ahmed Aghaei and Mumtaz. Probably, for ordinary people, this category is considered the most important pistachio category

There is another category for pistachios. This category is related to pistachio flowering time. Based on this classification, pistachios are classified into 3 groups: early flowering, medium flowering and late flowering.

Pistachios are also divided into 5 categories in terms of ripening time. These 5 types are very early pistachio, early pistachio, medium pistachio, late pistachio and very late pistachio. The harvesting date of the very early type of pistachio is until August 31st and the harvesting date of its very late varieties is from October 1st to October 10th

Akbari Pistachio

Undoubtedly, Akbari pistachio is the most famous pistachio in Iran. This pistachio is very popular because of its appearance. Pistachios are in the category of almonds. The percentage of pistachios is high and it has a purple and brown kernel and a dark bone cream skin color. Akbari pistachio is late flowering and late ripening and can be harvested in the third decade of September. Pistachios are available in sizes 20 to 28. Anas 18 Akbari pistachios are also available in smaller quantities, but they have a much higher price and are considered a luxury product. Akbari pistachio is a very elongated and large pistachio. And its appearance is like Ahmed Aghaei’s pistachio. This pistachio has a more elongated appearance than Ahmad Aghaei pistachio. Akbari pistachio was identified and propagated in the late 1930s by Haj Akbar Basengideh, in the village of Abbas Abad Amin, in the Keshkoiye District of Rafsanjan

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Pistachio Akbari?

People’s desire to buy Akbari pistachios has caused. In the last few years, pistachios are more welcomed by farmers. Called. that pistachio required less water in summer and maybe this is one of the reasons why farmers want to plant Akbari pistachio

The pistachio tree is thicker and more leafy than other pistachio trees. However, it is more vulnerable to pests such as psyllium, and if it is not dealt with, there is a possibility of its shedding. Pistachios need 1,200 hours of cold below 6 degrees in order to reach maximum yield, and this is one of its other disadvantages

Source: Wikipedia