The nuts available in the market, the four famous nuts, hazelnut, pistachio, walnut and almond, are used more than other nuts.
Four old seeds, which are also known by the same name as “four brains” among the common people, and in traditional medicine, they have a high position in treating some diseases and strengthening the body’s structure. Therefore, today we are going to learn a little more about the properties of these expensive nuts and their therapeutic uses
Hazelnut; Anticancer
Hazelnut is one of the members of four nuts, which has a special oil called oleic acid, protein, carbohydrates, beta-sitosterol, vitamins and essential minerals, and has opened a special place among other nuts. Beta-sitosterol, which is found in large quantities in hazelnuts, has a great effect in reducing cholesterol and preventing cancer, especially breast and prostate cancer, so by consuming 25 to 30 grams of hazelnuts a day, you can insure the body against these diseases.
Each 28 grams of hazelnuts contains an average of 176 calories of energy. This amount of hazelnuts has 17 grams of fat, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of protein and about 2 grams of water, and its consumption can provide all the vitamin E needed by the body in a day and is enough to prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer
walnuts; brain food
Walnut is also known as brain food, and this is not only because of its resemblance to the brain, but also because of its abundant omega-3.
For the brain to function properly, we need a lot of omega-3 and by consuming 4 walnuts a day, we can increase the essential fatty acid of omega-3 in the body. 15% of walnut fats are unsaturated fats and are beneficial for heart health.
This type of fat lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.
Walnuts have many benefits, such as increasing the elasticity of the body’s vessels, protecting against heart diseases, protecting the immune system, preventing blood clots, regulating body metabolism, regulating blood pressure and sugar, increasing mental strength and intelligence, useful for shortness of breath. Preventing arthritis and effective in dealing with skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis
pistachios; Treatment of anemia
Pistachio is a delicious and native nut of our country, the large amount of iron in its core and the ability of the body to absorb it has made it an effective substance for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. At the same time, pistachios contain some vegetable protein, essential fatty acids, fiber, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin E, all of which are very useful for the health of the body.
Pistachio nuts contain significant amounts of vitamin A, iron, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin B1,
B2, B6, potassium, protein, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, folate, phytosterol, calcium, copper and fiber. Vitamin A in pistachios helps to see in the dark and stimulates the growth of body cells and tissues
almonds; An antioxidant
This nut also has a lot of fat, but of the unsaturated and useful type that reduces the risk of heart diseases.
Research has shown that all edible brains ward off heart disease and bad cholesterol. Vitamin E found in almond skin is an antioxidant with many properties that prevent some diseases. Diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, immune system not working well, eye cataracts and muscle weakness.
Almonds contain magnesium and potassium. When there is enough magnesium in the body, it flows in the blood and carries oxygen and nutrients faster and prevents the heart rate from increasing
Daily; 7 four brains
Nutritionists believe: Chaharmagz has the highest amount of antioxidants compared to other edible brains and every person should eat 7 Chaharmagz brains during the day.
Based on the research done; Four brains is a rich source of protein and its regular consumption protects a person from heart disease, kidney cancer, type 2 diabetes, gallstones and other diseases.
It is interesting to know; Consuming Chaharmagz is even effective in curing insomnia.
Melatonin is one of the useful substances in the brain that helps reduce insomnia and other sleep disorders. Also, four brains contains an amino acid called L-armbinine, which will help blood flow better in your arteries.
As far as Spanish researchers believe: the effect of using Chaharmagz for the health of heart arteries may be better than the effect of olive oil
Eat raw, not roasted!
To benefit from the full properties of nuts, it is better to consume them raw than roasted;
Because in the process of roasting nuts, the resulting changes in their color, taste, texture and appearance are caused by the type of non-enzymatic browning reaction.
This process causes the loss of antioxidant properties of nuts and the reduction of protein digestibility and the loss of essential amino acids in them, and ultimately leads to the reduction of the nutritional value of the brains.
Also, due to this non-enzymatic browning reaction, roasting increases the color of the grains and thus leads to an increase in the overall pleasantness of the product.
In addition, this action will cause the production of carcinogenic compounds in the kernels. In general, it can be said; Roasting will have a negative effect on all nutrients of the brain, from fat, sugar and protein to vitamins
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