Walnuts contain one of the highest amounts of omega-3 fats of any nut. Omega-3 can help improve your mood. In addition to the properties of omega-3 for the human brain, this nutrient helps with heart health. which fights heart diseases by reducing the level of triglycerides and reducing the formation of dangerous plaques in the arteries of the body.
It can also be a great snack for weight control. Did you know that some diets lead to weight gain, but eating healthy fats does not?! According to some studies, eating a few walnuts (about four to six) before a meal reduces the feeling of hunger in people. This decrease in appetite can cause people to eat less in the rest of the day. This property of walnut can lead to weight loss
Interesting facts about the properties of walnuts
Do you know that for 8000 years, walnuts have provided essential food for humans? A report about it has been published in the American Journal of Nutrition. The report states that compared to most nuts that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, walnuts are unique. Because these nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids N6 (linoleate, N6) and N3 (linolenate, N3). Walnut has compounds such as folate, fiber, tannins and polyphenols. Tannins are present in many plant extracts and are usually obtained from oak bark. In addition to oak, it is also found in other plants such as unripe apple, unripe apple, sumac, tea, walnut leaf and barhang. Polyphenols also contain antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
As you may have noticed, one of the most important foods in walnuts is its omega-3.Omega-3 fatty acids are not only beneficial for heart and brain health, but also for controlling inflammation, improving blood circulation, improving memory, and strength
Reasoning and blood sugar control are also helpful
Omega-3 vs. Omega-6
The human species evolved on a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids and very low in unsaturated fats called omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 fats are found in salmon, flaxseeds, walnuts, and some game animals. Omega-6 is also a fat found in vegetable oils, packaged foods, and some nuts and seeds.
In the past centuries, more and more omega-6 has entered our diet and instead, the consumption of omega-3 has decreased. It is not surprising that the rate of heart diseases, cognitive disorders and depression have increased simultaneously and gradually.Instead of the near-ideal two-to-one or even one-to-one ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 in our ancestors’ diets, these days the average American is believed to consume 15 to 25 times more omega-6 than omega-3 fats. Consumes!
Eating more walnuts as part of a healthy diet can reduce this gap and prevent disease.
It is good to know that its properties have been praised in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. It is acclaimed for producing significant improvements in memory, learning ability, reduced anxiety, and motor development compared to control regimens.
In addition to omega-3, walnut (scientific name Juglans regia L) also contains a large amount of other nutrients
Omega-3 fatty acids, coated with walnut nutrients
The type of omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts and some nuts and seeds such as chia seeds and flax seeds is not the same as the type of omega-3 found in fish such as salmon. Many researches on omega-3 fats, which show their high properties on the health of the heart, blood vessels and brain, refer to two fats found in fish called EPA and DHA.
The omega-3 found in walnuts is called ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). It is believed that the body can convert the omega-3 type ALA into two types, EPA and DHA. However, it cannot necessarily do such a great job.
While ALA omega-3 fats from walnuts have many health benefits, I personally recommend getting more omega-3s from salmon and supplements if necessary. It is very important to eat a varied diet to get all kinds of omega-3
Properties of walnuts for body health
1- The properties of walnuts and helping to fight depression
Omega-3 present in walnut improves brain function at different levels. Some biological evidence suggests that low levels of omega-3 fats contribute to depression and a number of behavioral and cognitive disorders. Why is that? Essential fats are used directly to build the outer membranes of cells and help the function of neurotransmitters. So it makes sense that walnuts act as a natural treatment for depression.
Omega-3 fats help to form the soft and fluid outer covering of the cell. Therefore, it gives them the ability to communicate with each other. This is critical for “feel good” neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin.Without sufficient amounts of the right types of fats in the diet, neurotransmitter function is impaired, and many people experience these effects in the form of anxiety, chronic stress, intense cravings, fatigue, and mood swings. This is why fats are vital for fighting depression and anxiety.
Comprehensive studies have been conducted that link higher intakes of omega-3 fats to lower rates of depression. Of course, this omega-3 is usually in the form of marine fish, plus some nuts like walnuts. Controlled clinical trials examining the effects of omega-3s in preventing depression and heart disease are ongoing at a number of major research centers.It seems that the more we know about how these fats work, the more we realize their impressive properties, yet most people are deficient in omega-3 and do not have the financial ability to compensate for this deficiency
2- The properties of walnuts and improving brain health and memory retention
Walnut is considered a wonderful food and may slow down the aging process. Omega-3 fats in walnuts are important for enhancing memory and reasoning power. Many people who suffer from high depression due to omega-3 deficiency are victims of cognitive issues. Cognitive issues include age-related abnormalities such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other memory disorders.
Researchers from the Department of Biochemistry and Neuroscience at Karachi University evaluated the effect of walnuts on learning and memory in mice. They observed a significant improvement in the learning and memory of mice that had used walnuts, compared to another group of mice that had not consumed walnuts. Also, rats that had used walnuts showed a significant reduction in food consumption. Although this did not have a negative effect on their natural growth.In this way, the examination of the brains of mice showed an increase in the function of neurotransmitters, protection against damage and improvement in the metabolism controlling nerves
Similarity of walnut to human brain
The properties, benefits and side effects of consuming walnut, one of the most characteristic nuts
Eating walnuts has many benefits for human health, reducing heart diseases, preventing cancer and improving brain function are among its benefits. Walnuts are really great for the skin and body, which is why many skin care and beauty brands include walnut extract; Because they are rich in nutrients that are useful for our health and beauty. They are also great for hair care and many shampoos contain walnut extracts and walnut oil; Because they keep hair healthy and make them shiny, but this is not the only property of walnut that we will discuss in this part of moist health.
Vitamins and minerals in walnuts
It is a good source of some vitamins and minerals. Among them, the following can be mentioned:
Vitamin B6: This vitamin helps to strengthen the immune system and the health of the nervous system. Lack of this vitamin causes anemia.
Copper: Copper in walnuts contains useful minerals that strengthen the health of the heart, improve the function of the body’s immune system, bones and nerves, among other functions of this mineral.
Folic acid: It is also known as folate and vitamin B9, and the lack of this vitamin during pregnancy causes the birth of an incomplete baby.
Vitamin E: Walnuts contain a lot of vitamin E, which is needed for the body’s fight against cancer.
Phosphorus: Phosphorus makes up nearly 1% of our body. This mineral is mainly found in bones and has a special importance in the body.
Manganese: The highest amount of this important mineral is found in nuts, whole grains, fruits and vegetables
Benefits and health properties of walnuts
It has many properties and benefits for health, the most important of which are;
1. Heart health:
Due to the high level of omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts, they are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. It has been found that eating just a few walnuts a day can help lower blood pressure. Therefore, people with high blood pressure should pay more attention. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to help reduce bad cholesterol in the body and increase the production of good cholesterol, which is also beneficial for the heart
2. Walnuts suitable for the immune system:
It has high amounts of antioxidants that keep your immune system healthy and prevent the appearance of diseases
3. Walnuts are useful for brain health
The omega-3 fatty acids in it are also good for the brain. It makes the nervous system work smoothly and improves your memory
4. Walnut suitable for breast cancer:
In 2009, the American Association for Cancer Research published their research, which shows that a small amount of walnuts daily can help reduce the risk of breast cancer
5. Walnut suitable for inflammatory diseases:
Those who have inflammatory diseases such as asthma, arthritis and eczema, walnuts are useful for them, because they have large amounts of fatty acids
6. Walnuts are good for bone health:
It contains an essential fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid. This alpha-linolenic acid and its compounds are associated with stronger and healthier bones. Also, when you absorb omega-3 fatty acids through walnuts, inflammation is reduced, which is related to maintaining bones for a longer period of time
7. Walnuts to help sleep better and stress:
It contains melatonin and this compound is said to be associated with better sleep patterns. Also, omega-3 fatty acids keep blood pressure low and help reduce stress
8. Walnut suitable for pregnancy:
Contains healthy B vitamin groups such as folate, riboflavin, thiamin, etc., which are essential for a pregnant woman and fetus
9. Walnut suitable for the digestive system:
It is rich in fiber and is a good way to keep the digestive system functioning properly. All humans need fiber on a daily basis to maintain proper bowel movements
10. Walnut suitable for cleaning the inside of the body:
It is your body’s internal cleaner, as they literally cleanse the digestive system of many parasites
11. Walnuts are suitable for treating fungal infections:
There is no better way to get rid of fungus than black walnuts themselves
Properties and benefits of walnut for healthy and beautiful skin
Another important property is its positive effect on the skin. Among its most important effects on the skin, the following can be mentioned;
12. Delay in skin aging:
It is good for the skin because it is full of B vitamins. B vitamins manage stress and mood very well. Increased stress levels can lead to the premature appearance of wrinkles, thereby accelerating the aging process. The presence of B vitamins, along with vitamin E, helps fight stress-induced free radicals, delaying the aging process
13. Walnut suitable for moisturizing the skin:
People with dry skin should use warm walnut oil regularly. This oil helps to maintain the moisture of the skin and nourishes the skin from the inside and increases the growth of healthy and glowing cells.
14. Walnut to say goodbye to dark circles under the eyes:
Regular use of warm walnut oil is known to lighten dark circles under the eyes. The oil extracted from the walnut reduces puffiness and soothes the eyes and preserves their shine and color
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Source: Wikipedia